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Events in the Spring quarter 2007/08
- 03/26: organizational meeting, Bach (1983) Word-grammar versus phrase-grammar (L&P)
- 04/02: Dowty & Jacobson (1988) Agreement as a semantic phenomenon (ESCOL)
- 04/09: Bach (2005) Is word-formation composition? In Gregory N. Carlson and Francis Jeffery Pelletier, eds. Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect (Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2005), pp. 107-112.
- 04/16: Bozsahin (2002) The Combinatory Morpheme Lexicon In: Computational Linguistics 28(2).
- 04/23: Harley & Noyer (1999) Distributed Morphology In Glot International, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 1999
- 04/30: Anastasia Smirnova present her research
- 05/07: Raja Rajkumar on punctuation and noun phrase appositions in CCG
- 05/14: Lia Mansfield presents her research
- 05/21: Andy Plummer presents his research
- 05/28: Tensers research group (Yusuke Kubota, Jungmee Lee, Anastasia Smirnova, Judith Tonhauser) present their work