Hybrid type-logical grammars, first-order linear logic and the descriptive inadequacy of lambda grammars
On September 5, 2017
Lead by Symon Stevens Guille
Lead by Symon Stevens Guille
Symon will lead discussion of “Hybrid type-logical grammars, first-order linear logic and the descriptive inadequacy of lambda grammars” by Richard Moot
Symon says:
I’ll be leading a discussion on Richard Moot’s paper embedding HTLCG and the Displacement calculus in First Order Linear Logic. Please read as much of the paper as you can. There likely won’t be a handout and I will rely on active participation; maximally it will be sparse and focus on major theorems. There are certain things I want to emphasize but others may have great insight as well. Unlike last week, this will be a discussion not a paper presentation. Attached is the literature; read as much as possible (it’s long) but relax—we won’t cover it all.