The banquet for this year's conference will be held at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. This event is for ticketholders only, and is already sold out. Thanks to all those who purchased tickets to the banquet when you registered for the conference - your ticket will be in your conference packet. Buses will be leaving from the auto drop off ramp outside the Franklin room at 6:10 PM and 6:55 PM. We ask that you sign up for the 6:10 PM departure if at all possible. People who go on the early bus will be able to walk around the zoo for a bit before the meal, and people who sign up for the late bus will have a longer time to look at the zoo after the meal. We need to fill all buses both ways, which is why sign up is needed. We need as many of you as possible to be ready to get on the bus right after the last session of the conference on Tuesday.
Date: Tuesday June 17, 2008
Place: The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, 9990 Riverside Dr., Powell, OH
Important Times:
6:10 and 6:55 PM - Buses leave from auto drop off ramp outside Franklin room
7:30 PM - Meal begins
8:50 PM - Speeches start
10:30 and 11:15 PM - Buses leave for hotel