


Special Events

Organizing Committee


ICGL history

Previous Conferences

8th - 2007
Ioannina (Greece)

7th - 2005
York (UK)

6th - 2003
Rethymno (Greece)

5th - 2001
Paris (France)

4th - 1999
Nicosia (Cyprus)

3rd - 1997
Athens (Greece)

2nd - 1995
Salzburg (Austria)

1st - 1993
Reading (UK)

9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics

29 October 2009 - 31 October 2009 Chicago, Illinois, USA

some band

Statement of Purpose:

ICGL is a biennial meeting, held every two years since 1993, that focuses on all aspects of the linguistic study and analysis of Greek, from Ancient up through Modern Greek, though with greater emphasis on the later stages of the language.

ICGL 2009 will feature papers on a wide variety of topics relevant to Greek linguistics, broadly construed, thus covering a range of subfields within Linguistics, including applied linguistics, computational linguistics, conversational analysis, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, language description, morphology, neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, and syntax, among others, and focusing on any period in the history of the language.

The invited speakers for this year's conference will be:

Artemis Alexiadou (University of Stuttgart)

Niovi Antonopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Amalia Arvaniti (University of California, San Diego)

Mark Janse (University of Ghent)

Melita Stavrou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

News: Pre-conference workshop October 27- 28

another band

A pre-conference workshop, entitled Greek and its interfaces: Linguistic theory and teaching Greek as a second language, will be held October 28, and a special workshop on minority languages in Greece will be held October 27. The information is located under "Workshop"
