Celebrating 6 Decades of Work on the Melody and Rhythms of Language

Invited speakers
There will be three invited talks, representing several of the many themes in Ilse's research, by: Janet Fletcher (University of Melbourne) Jaan Ross (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) Linda Shockey (University of Reading) & Zinny Bond (Ohio University)Program
The symposium will open at 1:00 pm on Friday, November 11, with a welcoming address "Remembering Ilse Lehiste" presented by Keith Johnson. It will close at 5:30 pm on Saturday, November 12, after a final session in which we will be "Remembering Ilse Lehiste" directly again, after a day and a half of talks that remember her by celebrating the lasting influences of her research. Click here to see a detailed program, with titles of the three invited talks, and titles and links to abstracts of the submitted talks. (Note that the Saturday schedule has been revised to start later, since one of the morning talks has been cancelled.)Venue and RSVP
The Symposium will be held in Room 35 of the Psychology Building at 1835 Neil Avenue.Click here for a photo and map, here for directions to Ohio State University and the Psychology Building, and here for a list of nearby accommodations where visitors from outside of Columbus can book to stay.
If you plan to attend, please send us an e-mail at ilsele@ling.osu.edu so that we can plan coffee breaks and so on.